Monday, October 15, 2012

A Political Prayer...


As political fires begin to blaze with the approaching election season, I pray that your purposes would be accomplished, not ours.  I pray that your wisdom would prevail, not ours.  I pray that your peace would help us transcend our tumultuous spirits.

I pray for our president, Barack Obama.  I pray that you would enable him to wield the authority you've granted him in a way that honors you and the people you've appointed him to lead. I pray that he would have the courage to seek justice and the compassion to show mercy.  I pray that he would have the wisdom to lead us through problems that are often more complex than we imagine them to be.  I pray that by your spirit, you would make him equal to the tall task of leading a nation as diverse and, sadly, divisive as ours.

I pray for his wife and daughters.  I pray that Mr. Obama would lead and shepherd his family well.  I pray that he would be a Godly father to his daughters and a Godly husband to Michelle.  I pray you would protect them from the vicious and unwarranted attacks that too often come with being so close to a leader. 

I pray also for Governor Mitt Romney.  As he seeks office, I pray that his campaign would be built on a desire not to simply take power, but rather to govern with wisdom, conviction, humility, and compassion.  I pray that he would have the courage to defend convictions and that he would speak respectfully and graciously of those who do not hold the same.  May he campaign with integrity and fairness, and should you in your sovereignty allow him to ascend to the Oval Office, I pray you would prepare him to be a leader who would glorify you and do right by his fellow man even when it is far easier not to.

I pray also for Governor Romney's family that they would not be drawn apart by the rigors of being in public office, but that they would draw together for strength and support.  May they navigate this season of life strengthened and encouraged by your spirit.

Lastly, I pray for us, the American people.  I pray that we would remember that no earthly authority has been allowed establishment outside of your sovereign will (Romans 13:1).  I pray that our speech would be gracious and used only to build men up, not to tear them down  (Eph. 4:29).  Move us, God, to apply in our own lives the words of 1 Peter 2 when the writer exhorts his audience to "Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor." Most of all, I pray those of us who have given our lives over to you would hold fast to the truth that our first allegiance is not to an earthly kingdom, but to a heavenly one.

May your will be done, your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.


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