Sunday, September 16, 2012

An Interview With My Daughter

It's Sunday, so in honor of Meet The Press, I decided to stage my own hard-hitting, no-holds-barred interview with a noted public figure. Luckily, I had just such a person directly across the table from me at breakfast. It took a bit of time to pry her away from her important task of making indentations in the table with a ballpoint pen, but I eventually got my interview. The transcript of this potentially award-winning journalistic masterpiece follows below:

What are you singing?

"I dunno."

What is your favorite song?

"I dunno. I wike the Rapunzel song."

Where are we going today?

"Church. Rams and Jett going to DJ's housh."

Who do we learn about at church?

"Jesus. Do we say stupid?

No, we don't say that, it's not really nice. Would Jesus want us to say "stupid" to others?

"No 'cause he don't want to. (begins singing ABC's and a song about squirrels)

What do you want to do after church?

"I dunno. I want to get a snack because I'm so hungry."

Hey, Parker?

"I wuv joo."

...Interview over. Is it acceptable to hug the interviewee?

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I Say Stuff

Littering Al Gore's interwebs with words...about stuff.