Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rockomendations, Summer Edition

Here are the tunes that are soundtracking my summer. Enjoy!

Something Old: I'm Waitin' For the Day by The Beach Boys

It's not like there can be anything said about Pet Sounds that hasn't been said before...it's amazing. With Pet Sounds, Brian Wilson orchestrated an American masterpiece. This tune is probably my favorite on the album because it's great for summer driving, but so are Sloop John B and That's Not Me...and every other song on the album.

Something New: Uncaged by Zac Brown Band

In all honesty,the last Zac Brown Band album (You Get What You Give) didn't do much for me. Colder Weather was a great country ballad, but I didn't care for the Jimmy Buffet collaboration they released as the first single and the rest of the album just wasn't all that great, IMO. Thus far, the new album seems to be pretty redeeming, though I only got it this morning. I heard the title track, Uncaged, a few weeks back on a live CMT performance, and it's been on permanent loop in my head ever since. Great summer rocker from a great band.

Something Borrowed: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Andy McKee (originally Tears For Fears)

The original tune is one of my favorite songs ever; it's yet another great song for relaxing and enjoying a summer drive. Andy McKee is just an all-around stud solo musician, and his stylings give a fresh, new feel to what's already a great song.

Something Blue(s-based): Hold On by Alabama Shakes

Earlier in the year, I went ahead and declared Alabama Shakes' album Boys and Girls the best album of the year. Now halfway through 2012, I'm sticking by that call. Raw production, eclectic style, amazing frontwoman, and a great record front-to-back. If you haven't heard it yet, do yourself a favor and go get it...now...don't worry; I'll wait.

You're back? Good. Hope you enjoy the recommendations!

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