Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rockomendations 2.0

The Rockomendation list is back.  Get your boots on because this list is legit!!

Something Old
Waiting for Somebody by Paul Westerberg
A while back my iPod did me a favor and reminded me (via shuffle) that Paul Westerberg is awesome.  This is one of his two tunes off the soundtrack for Singles, which is not all that great of a movie, but it does have one of the best soundtracks EVER.  Westerberg's tunes on that soundtrack are just straight fun to listen to, no doubt about it.  

Something New
Holocene by Bon Iver
When a band gets a gig on a late-night talk show, they usually pick the upbeat, three-minute single they're going to be tossing to radio or whatever channel started airing music when MTV stopped.  That's what you do unless you are Bon Iver and you actually don't have any upbeat radio singles.  I tweeted this vid a while back and I stand by the statement that songs this beautiful don't grace television often enough.

Something Borrowed
Ryan Adams' version of Wonderwall originally done by Oasis
 The original tune by Oasis is pretty much an iconic late 90's tune that came out during my high school years and immediately takes me back, for better and for worse, to those days.  It was a great song in its original form, but Ryan Adams' take adds a lot more feeling and urgency to the whole thing even though he actually strips it down.  In all honesty, though, I'm such a Ryan Adams fan that he could probably sing "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" and I'd put it on here. 

Something Blue(s-based)
Jeff Beck featuring Imogen Heap, Rollin' and Tumblin'
 This is so stinkin' awesome I don't even know what to say.  Jeff Beck, legendary since the days of the Yardbirds + a musical innovator like Imogen Heap = yes.  'Nuff said.

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