Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quick Hitters 3.0

Quick Hitters on a crazy Wednesday...

  1. Rolling around with the sunroof open and your music blaring is gangsta...especially when you're driving a minivan.
  2. I'm so blessed to have such awesome men around me pouring into my life.  Not everyone has a Tony Brown, a Lou Harris, or an Ed Love in their life.  I count myself one lucky dude.
  3. Leaving for Russia in two weeks and trusting God to take care of the million details between now and then.  After these next two weeks, a long flight over the ocean might be incredibly relaxing.
  4. I fear no TSA employee.  If they want to see what's beneath my clothes, they're the ones who have to live with the unsettling memories.
  5. Watching the Lakers unravel was painful.  I don't even like them and I felt horrible for Phil and the boys...until Bynum got confused and thought he was a defenseman for the Los Angeles Kings.  Simmer down, Andrew.
  6. My boys are clearly training for a future season of "The Ultimate Fighter" behind me as I type this.
  7. Pause...problem solved...back.
  8. I avoided David Platt's Radical for six months because I was afraid of the challenges it might lay down.  Now wrapping it up and ready to take on some of those challenges. 
  9. Great time chatting w/ my pastors Joshua Hedger and Dave Becker this afternoon.  So blessed to serve alongside dudes like that.  
  10. Nothing gets me as cranked as the intro to "When the Levee Breaks."  Iconic drumbeat from Bonzo, Page's menacingly droning guitar riff, JPJ laying down the low notes, and Plant's signature vocals.  Altogether, song is best described as "testosterawesome".  I hope that word is original to me.

Bonus: Sweet video of Page (one of the few rock icons who doesn't dye his mop in old age) talking about recording @ Headley Grange and making note of the drums in "WTLB."

Effective Score: 8.9/100,000

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I Say Stuff

Littering Al Gore's interwebs with words...about stuff.